
Var, Let, Const: Stop Complicating Your Life in JavaScript

JavaScript offers three ways to declare variables: var, let, and const. Many programmers aren't entirely clear on when to use which one, and most tutorials and linters force you to use them incorrectly. Let's see how to write cleaner and more understandable code without unnecessary rules that don't actually help us.

Let's Start with the Most Dangerous Part

JavaScript has one treacherous quirk: by simply omitting a variable declaration, you can unknowingly use a global variable. All it takes is forgetting var, let, or const:

function calculatePrice(amount) {
    price = amount * 100;    // Omission! Missing 'let'
    return price;            // We're using a global variable 'price'

function processOrder() {
    price = 0;               // We're using the same global variable!
    // ... some code calling calculatePrice()
    return price;            // We're returning a completely different value than expected

This is every developer's nightmare – the code appears to work correctly until something mysteriously starts failing elsewhere in the application. Debugging such errors can take hours because a global variable can be overwritten anywhere in the application.

That's why it's absolutely crucial to always declare variables using let or const.

Forget About var

The var keyword has been in JavaScript since its inception in 1995 and carries some problematic properties that were considered features at the time of the language's creation but proved to be a source of many bugs over time. After twenty years of language development, JavaScript's authors decided to address these problems – not by fixing var (to maintain backward compatibility) but by introducing the new let keyword in ES2015.

You can find plenty of articles on the internet dissecting the problems with var in the finest detail. But you know what? There's no need to get bogged down in the details. Let's just treat var as a relic of the past and focus on modern JavaScript.

When to Use let

let is the modern way to declare variables in JavaScript.

The nice thing is that the variable only exists within the code block (between curly braces) where it was defined. This makes the code more predictable and safer.

if (someCondition) {
    let temp = calculateSomething();
    // temp is only available here
// temp no longer exists here

In loops, the declaration is technically placed before the curly braces, but don't let that confuse you – the variable only exists within the loop:

for (let counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++) {
    // The counter variable only exists in the loop
// counter is no longer accessible here

When to Use const

const is used to declare constants. These are typically important values at the module or application level that should never change:

const PI = 3.14159;
const API_URL = '';

However, it's important to understand one key detail: const only prevents assigning a new value to the variable – it doesn't control what happens with the value itself. This distinction is particularly evident with objects and arrays (an array is also an object) – const doesn't make them immutable objects, i.e., it doesn't prevent changes inside the object:

const CONFIG = {
    url: '',
    timeout: 5000

CONFIG.url = '';  // This works!
CONFIG = { url: '' };  // This throws TypeError!

If you need a truly immutable object, you need to freeze it first.

The let vs const Dilemma

Now we come to a more interesting question. While the situation with var vs let is clear, the use of const is the subject of many community discussions. Most tutorials, style guides, and linters promote the rule “use const wherever you can.” So we commonly see const used in function or method bodies.

Let's explain why this popular “best practice” is actually an anti-pattern that makes code less readable and unnecessarily restrictive.

The approach “if a variable's value isn't reassigned in the code, it should be declared as const” seems logical at first glance. Why else would const even exist? The more “constants,” the safer and more predictable the code, right? And faster too, because the compiler can better optimize it.

However, this entire approach fundamentally misunderstands the purpose of constants. It's primarily about communicating intent – are we truly trying to signal to other developers that this variable should never be reassigned, or do we just happen not to reassign it in our current implementation?

// Real constants - values that are constant by their nature
const PI = 3.14159;
const DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;
const API_ENDPOINT = '';

// vs.

function processOrder(items) {
    // These AREN'T constants, we just happen to not reassign them
    const total = items.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item.price, 0);
    const tax = total * 0.21;
    const shipping = calculateShipping(total);
    return { total, tax, shipping };

In the first case, we have values that are constants by their nature – they express immutable properties of our system or important configuration data. When we see PI or API_ENDPOINT somewhere in the code, we immediately understand why these values are constants.

In the second case, we're using const just because we happen to not reassign the values right now. But that's not their essential characteristic – these are regular variables that we might want to change in the next version of the function. And when we want to do that, const will unnecessarily prevent us.

In the days when JavaScript was one big global code, it made sense to try to secure variables against reassignment. But today we write code in modules and classes. Today it's common and correct that the scope is a small function, and within its scope, it makes no sense to worry about the difference between let and const.

Because it creates completely unnecessary mental overhead:

  1. The programmer has to think while writing: “Will I change this value? No? Then I must use const…”
  2. It distracts readers! When they see const in the code, they wonder: “Why is this a constant? Is this some important value? Does it have any significance?”
  3. In a month we need to change the value and have to deal with: “Can I change const to let? Is someone relying on this?”

Simply use let and you don't have to deal with these questions at all.

It's even worse when this decision is made automatically by a linter. That is, when the linter “fixes” variables to const because it only sees one assignment. The code reader then unnecessarily wonders: “Why must these variables be constants here? Is it somehow important?” And yet it's not important – it's just a coincidence. Don't use the prefer-const rule in ESLint!

By the way, the optimization argument is a myth. Modern JavaScript engines (like V8) can easily detect whether a variable is reassigned or not, regardless of whether it was declared using let or const. So using const provides no performance benefit.

Implicit Constants

In JavaScript, there are several constructs that implicitly create constants without us having to use the const keyword:

// imported modules
import { React } from 'react';
React = something; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable

// functions
function add(a, b) { return a + b; }
add = something; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable

// classes
class User {}
User = something; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable

This makes sense – these constructs define the basic building blocks of our code, and overwriting them could cause chaos in the application. That's why JavaScript automatically protects them against reassignment, just as if they were declared using const.

Constants in Classes

Classes were added to JavaScript relatively recently (in ES2015), and their functionality is still gradually maturing. For example, private members marked with # didn't arrive until 2022. JavaScript is still waiting for class constant support. For now, you can use static, but it's far from the same thing – it marks a value shared between all class instances, not an immutable one.


  1. Don't use var – it's outdated
  2. Use const for real constants at the module level
  3. In functions and methods, use let – it's more readable and clearer
  4. Don't let the linter automatically change let to const – it's not about the number of assignments, but about intent

How to Deal with the Chaos of Empty Strings and NULL Values in MySQL?

You know the situation – you create a query WHERE street = '', but the system doesn't return all the records you'd expect. Or your LEFT JOIN doesn't work as it should. The reason is a common problem in databases: inconsistent use of empty strings and NULL values. Let's see how to solve this chaos once and for all.

When to Use NULL and When to Use an Empty String?

In theory, the difference is clear: NULL means “value is not set”, while an empty string means “value is set and is empty”. Let's look at a real example from an e-commerce site, where we have an orders table. Each order has a required delivery address and an optional billing address for cases where the customer wants to bill to a different location (typical checkbox “Bill to a different address”):

    delivery_street VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    delivery_city VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    billing_street VARCHAR(255) NULL,
    billing_city VARCHAR(255) NULL

The billing_city and billing_street fields are nullable because the billing address is optional. But there's a difference between them. While a street can be legitimately empty (villages without street names) or unset (delivery address is used), the city must always be filled in if a billing address is used. So either billing_city contains a city name, or it's NULL – in which case the delivery address is used.

The Reality of Large Databases

In practice, both approaches often end up being mixed in the database. There can be several reasons:

  • Changes in application logic over time (e.g., switching from one ORM to another)
  • Different teams or programmers using different conventions
  • Buggy data migrations when merging databases
  • Legacy code that behaves differently than new code
  • Application bugs that occasionally let through an empty string instead of NULL or vice versa

This leads to situations where we have a mix of values in the database and need to write complex conditions:

WHERE foo = '' OR foo IS NULL;

Even worse is that NULL behaves unintuitive when comparing:

SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE foo = ''; -- doesn't include NULL
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE foo <> ''; -- also doesn't include NULL

-- we must use

This inconsistency in comparison operators' behavior is another reason why it's better to use only one way of representing empty values in the database.

Why Avoid the Dual Approach

A similar situation exists in JavaScript, where we have null and undefined. After years of experience, many JavaScript developers concluded that distinguishing between these two states brings more problems than benefits and decided to use only the system-native undefined.

In the database world, the situation is similar. Instead of constantly dealing with whether something is an empty string or NULL, it's often simpler to choose one approach and stick to it. For example, Oracle database essentially equates empty strings and NULL values, thus elegantly avoiding this problem. It's one of the places where Oracle deviates from the SQL standard, but it simplifies working with empty/NULL values.

How can we achieve something similar in MySQL?

What Do We Actually Want to Enforce?

  1. For required fields (NOT NULL), we want to enforce that they always contain meaningful values. That means preventing empty strings (or strings containing only spaces)
  2. For optional fields (NULL), we want to prevent storing empty strings. When a field is optional, NULL should be the only representation of an “unfilled value”. Mixing both approaches in one column leads to problems with querying and JOIN operations, as we showed above.

Solution in MySQL

Historically in MySQL, it made sense to use exclusively empty strings ('') instead of NULL values. It was the only approach that could be enforced using the NOT NULL constraint. If we wanted an automatically consistent database, this was the only way.

However, there's one important case where this approach fails – when we need a unique index on the column. MySQL considers multiple empty strings as the same value, while multiple NULL values are considered different.

However, since MySQL version 8.0.16, we can use CHECK constraints and have more control over what values we allow. We can, for example, enforce that a column will either be NULL or contain a non-empty string:


    -- Required field - must contain some non-empty text
        CONSTRAINT email_not_empty      -- rule name
        CHECK (email != ''),

    -- Optional field - either NULL or non-empty text
    nickname VARCHAR(255)
        CONSTRAINT nickname_not_empty
        CHECK (nickname IS NULL OR nickname != '')

When creating a CHECK constraint, it's important to give it a meaningful name using the CONSTRAINT keyword. This way, we get a meaningful error message Check constraint ‘nickname_not_empty’ is violated instead of a generic constraint violation notice. This significantly helps with debugging and application maintenance.

The problem isn't just empty strings, but also strings containing only spaces. We can improve the CHECK constraint solution using the TRIM function:

        CONSTRAINT email_not_empty
        CHECK (TRIM(email) != ''),

Now these validation bypass attempts won't work either:

INSERT INTO users (email) VALUES ('   ');  -- all spaces

Practical Solution in Nette Framework

A consistent approach to empty values needs to be handled at the application level too. If you're using Nette Framework, you can use an elegant solution using the setNullable() method:

$form = new Form;
    ->setNullable(); // empty input transforms to NULL

Recommendations for Practice

  1. At the start of the project, decide on one approach:
    • Either use only NULL for missing values
    • Or use only empty strings for empty/missing values
  2. Document this decision in the project documentation
  3. Use CHECK constraints to enforce consistency
  4. For existing projects:
    • Conduct an audit of the current state
    • Prepare a migration script to unify the approach
    • Don't forget to adjust application logic

With this approach, you'll avoid many problems with comparing, indexing, and JOIN operations that arise from mixing NULL and empty strings. Your database will be more consistent and queries simpler.

Renaming ENUM Values Without Data Loss: A Safe Guide

Renaming values in a MySQL ENUM column can be tricky. Many developers attempt a direct change, which often results in data loss or errors. We'll show you the correct and safe way to do it.

Imagine a typical scenario: You have an orders table in your database with a status column of type ENUM. It contains the values waiting_payment, processing, shipped, and cancelled. The requirement is to rename waiting_payment to unpaid and shipped to completed. How can this be done without risk?

What Doesn't Work

First, let's look at what does not work. Many developers try this straightforward approach:

    'unpaid',      -- previously 'waiting_payment'
    'processing',  -- unchanged
    'completed',   -- previously 'shipped'
    'cancelled'    -- unchanged

This approach is a recipe for disaster. MySQL will attempt to map existing values to the new ENUM, and since the original values are no longer in the definition, it will either replace them with an empty string or return the error Data truncated for column 'status' at row X. In a production database, this would mean losing important data.

Backup First!

Before making any structural changes to your database, it is absolutely crucial to create a data backup. Use MySQL-dump or another trusted tool.

The Correct Approach

The correct approach consists of three steps:

  1. First, extend the ENUM with new values.
  2. Update the data.
  3. Finally, remove the old values.

Let's go through it step by step:

1. The first step is to add the new values to the ENUM while keeping the original ones:

    'waiting_payment',  -- original value
    'processing',       -- unchanged
    'shipped',         -- original value
    'cancelled',       -- unchanged
    'unpaid',          -- new value (replaces waiting_payment)
    'completed'        -- new value (replaces shipped)

2. Now we can safely update the existing data:

UPDATE orders SET status = 'unpaid' WHERE status = 'waiting_payment';
UPDATE orders SET status = 'completed' WHERE status = 'shipped';

3. Finally, once all data has been converted to the new values, we can remove the old ones:


Why Does This Work?

This works because of how MySQL handles ENUM values. When performing an ALTER TABLE modification on an ENUM column, MySQL tries to map existing values based on their textual representation. If the original value does not exist in the new ENUM definition, MySQL will either throw an error (if STRICT_ALL_TABLES is enabled in sql_mode) or replace it with an empty string.

That's why it's crucial to have both old and new values present in the ENUM simultaneously during the transition phase. In our case, this ensures that every record in the database retains its exact textual equivalent. Only after executing the UPDATE queries—when we are sure that all data is using the new values—can we safely remove the old ones.

Property Hooks in PHP 8.4: Game Changer or Hidden Trap?

What if I told you your PHP objects could be cleaner, more elegant, and easier to work with? Well, that dream is now a reality! PHP 8.4 introduces revolutionary features called property hooks and asymmetric visibility that completely transform object-oriented programming as we know it. Say goodbye to clunky getters and setters – we now have a modern, intuitive way to control object data access. Let's explore how these features can revolutionize your code.

Property hooks provide a smart way to define what happens when you read from or write to object properties – and they're much cleaner and more efficient than the traditional magic methods __get/__set. Think of it as getting all the power of magic methods without any of their usual drawbacks.

Let's look at a real-world example that shows why property hooks are so valuable. Consider a common Person class with a public age property:

class Person
	public int $age = 0;

$person = new Person;
$person->age = 25;  // OK
$person->age = -5;  // OK, but that makes no sense!

While PHP ensures the age will be an integer thanks to the int type (available since PHP 7.4), what about that negative age? In the past, we'd need getters and setters, make the property private, and write a bunch of boilerplate code. With hooks, there's a much more elegant solution:

class Person
	public int $age = 0 {
		set => $value >= 0 ? $value : throw new InvalidArgumentException;

$person->age = -5;  // Oops! InvalidArgumentException warns us about the invalid value

The beauty lies in its simplicity – from the outside, the property behaves exactly like before. You can read and write directly through $person->age, but now you have complete control over what happens during the write operation. And that's just scratching the surface!

We can take it further and create hooks for reading too. Hooks can have attributes, and they can contain complex logic beyond simple expressions. Check out this example of working with names:

class Person
	public string $first;
	public string $last;
	public string $fullName {
		get {
			return "$this->first $this->last";
		set(string $value) {
			[$this->first, $this->last] = explode(' ', $value, 2);

$person = new Person;
$person->fullName = 'James Bond';
echo $person->first;  // outputs 'James'
echo $person->last;   // outputs 'Bond'

Here's something crucial to understand: hooks are always used whenever a property is accessed (even within the Person class itself). The only exception is when you directly access the actual variable inside the hook code.

A Blast from the Past: Lessons from SmartObject

For those familiar with Nette Framework, here's an interesting historical perspective. The framework offered similar functionality 17 years ago through SmartObject, which significantly enhanced object handling at a time when PHP was quite limited in this area.

I remember the initial wave of overwhelming enthusiasm where developers used properties everywhere, followed by a complete reversal where they avoided them entirely. Why? There weren't clear guidelines about when to use methods versus properties. But today's native solution is in a different league altogether. Property hooks and asymmetric visibility are fully-fledged tools that provide the same level of control as methods. This makes it much easier to determine when a property is truly the right choice.


The Hidden Surprises of PHP Readonly Properties

Picture this: data that's as stable as bedrock – set it once, and it stays that way forever. That's exactly what PHP 8.1 delivered with readonly properties. Think of it as giving your objects a safety vault – keeping their data secure from accidental changes. Let's explore how this powerful feature can streamline your code and what gotchas you need to watch out for.

Here's a quick taste of what we're talking about:

class User
    public readonly string $name;

    public function setName(string $name): void
        $this->name = $name;  // First assignment - all OK

$user = new User;
$user->setName('John');      // Great, name is set
echo $user->name;            // "John"
$user->setName('Jane');      // BOOM! Exception: Cannot modify readonly property

Once that name is set, it's locked in place. No accidental changes, no sneaky updates.

When is uninitialized really uninitialized?

Here's a common misconception: many developers think readonly properties must be set in the constructor. But PHP is actually much more flexible than that – you can set them at any point in an object's lifecycle, with one crucial rule: only once! Before that first assignment, they exist in a special ‘uninitialized’ state – think of it as a blank slate waiting for its first and only value.

Here's an interesting twist – readonly properties can't have default values. Why? Think about it: if they had default values, they'd essentially be constants – set at object creation and unchangeable from that point on.

Types are mandatory

When using readonly properties, you must explicitly declare their type. This isn't just PHP being picky – the ‘uninitialized’ state only works with typed variables. No type declaration means no readonly variable. Don't know the exact type? No worries – you can always fall back on mixed.


Two Words That Kill Open Source

Do you know what you should NEVER, and I mean NEVER, say to open-source project authors? “I don't have time.” These two words can destroy a developer’s motivation faster than an iPhone battery drains while scrolling TikTok.

  • “I don't have time to write a fix.”
  • “I don't have time to create a bug report.”
  • “This should be in the documentation, but I don’t have time to write it.”

Really? REALLY?!

Imagine you're at a party, and someone says to you: “Hey, you with the beer! Make me a sandwich. I don’t have time to make it myself, I’m too busy eating chips.” How would you feel? Like a vending machine with a face? That’s exactly how I feel when I read words like that. My motivation to help vanishes instantly, and I feel the urge to do anything else — even absolutely nothing.

You see, we open source developers are a peculiar breed. We spend hours of our free time creating software that we then make available to everyone. For free. Voluntarily. It’s like Santa Claus handing out gifts every day of the year, not just on Christmas. We enjoy it. But that doesn’t give anyone the right to boss us around like we’re some kind of digital slaves. So, when someone comes with a request for a new feature but “doesn’t have time” to contribute, it immediately raises the question, “Why should I have the time then?” It’s like asking Michelangelo to paint your living room because you “don’t have time” to do it yourself — as if he has nothing better to do.

Over the years, I’ve accumulated dozens of issues across various projects where I’ve asked, “Could you prepare a pull request?” and the reply was, “I could, but I don’t have time this week.” If that poor soul hadn’t written that sentence, I probably would’ve solved the issue long ago. But by saying that, they basically told me they don’t value my time. So, did they fix it themselves a week later? Not at all… 99% of the things people promised to do were never delivered, which is why 99% of those issues remain unresolved. They hang there like digital monuments to human laziness.

So, dear users, before you write “I don’t have time,” think again. What you’re really saying is, “Hey, you! Your free time is worthless. Drop everything you’re doing and deal with MY problem!” Instead, try this:

  • Find the time. Trust me, it’s there. It might be hiding between episodes of your favorite show or in the time you spend scrolling through social media.
  • Offer a solution. You don’t need to submit a full patch. Just show that you’ve given it some real thought.
  • Motivate open source maintainers to take up your issue. For example, by showing how the change will be useful not just for you, but for the whole of humanity and the surrounding universe.

Next time you find a bug, request a new feature, or notice something missing from the documentation, try to help out the community in some way. Because in the open-source world, we’re all in the same boat. And to keep it moving forward, we all need to row. So don’t just sit there complaining that you “don’t have time” to paddle — grab an oar and do your part. Saying “I don’t have time” is the fastest way to kill the motivation of those who are giving you free software. Try to carve out those few minutes or hours. Your karma will thank you.

Why GPT is the SQL of our century?

And conversely, was SQL the GPT of the seventies?

SQL, which emerged in the 1970s, represented a revolutionary breakthrough in human-computer interaction. Its design aimed to make queries as readable and writable as possible, resembling plain English. For instance, a query to fetch names and salaries of employees in SQL might look like this: SELECT name, salary FROM employee – simple and comprehensible, right? This made databases accessible to a broader audience, not just computer nerds.

Although this intention was commendable, it soon became clear that writing SQL queries still required experts. Moreover, because a universal application interface never emerged, using natural language for modern programming became more of a burden. Programmers today communicate with databases by writing complex SQL command generators, which databases then decode.

Enter GPT. These advanced language models bring a similar revolution in the era of artificial intelligence as SQL did for databases in its time. They enable interaction with databases on an entirely new level, 50 years advanced. Although there is currently no database directly controlled by a language model, we can use GPT to generate SQL. And it works great.

How to do it? Just copy the structure of your database, i.e., a dump with CREATE TABLE commands, into ChatGPT and include the name of the database server you are using. You can then ask questions directly in Czech.

If you want to make using this technique even easier, use the prepared SQL Wizard, where you just need to copy the database structure and you can start asking questions right away without further explanation.

Let's see a practical example. We will use two database tables linked through a foreign key. The users table will contain information about users, and the orders table will store information about orders made by users. Here are the definitions of these tables:

    name VARCHAR(100),
    email VARCHAR(100)

    order_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT,
    created_at DATE,
    amount DECIMAL(10, 2),
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id)

Copy these definitions into ChatGPT and you can immediately ask naturally and in Czech, for example, about all orders from user Jan Novák. Specifically, I would ask: “Write SQL that lists all orders from user Jan Novák.” And GPT might respond like this:

SELECT orders.order_id, orders.created_at, orders.amount
FROM orders
JOIN users ON orders.user_id =
WHERE = 'Jan Novák';

Many programmers can, of course, write such an SQL query faster than logging into ChatGPT 🙂 But let's try a slightly more complex example: “List users who have only one order.”

FROM users
JOIN orders ON = orders.user_id
HAVING COUNT(orders.order_id) = 1;

Or “List users who have no orders.”

SELECT users.*
FROM users
LEFT JOIN orders ON = orders.user_id
WHERE orders.order_id IS NULL;

Here the fundamental difference in approach is evident. While with GPT, I specify what data I want to get, in SQL, I have to describe how to get it. And that requires knowledge and experience.

Thanks to GPT, you can focus on what you want to get, instead of how to get it, which is especially valuable for those who are not SQL experts.

Finally, let's demonstrate how to use GPT to create database triggers. For example, you can write: “Add a column order_count to the users table that will track the number of orders. Initialize it to the value corresponding to the current number of orders for each user. And create a trigger that will update the value when an order is created or deleted.”

GPT will generate queries for adding and initializing the order_count column:

UPDATE users SET order_count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE orders.user_id =;

and the required triggers to keep its value up to date:

CREATE TRIGGER update_order_count_after_insert
    UPDATE users
    SET order_count = order_count + 1
    WHERE id = NEW.user_id;

CREATE TRIGGER update_order_count_after_delete
    UPDATE users
    SET order_count = order_count - 1
    WHERE id = OLD.user_id;

GPT offers a way to work effectively and intuitively with databases, even for those who are not SQL experts. It's a revolutionary tool that truly makes advanced database operations accessible to the general public. However, it is still crucial to carefully check each output to ensure data correctness and security.

How to Handle Getters When They Have Nothing to Return?

Software development often presents dilemmas, such as how to handle situations when a getter has nothing to return. In this article, we'll explore three strategies for implementing getters in PHP, which affect the structure and readability of code, each with its own specific advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look.

Universal Getter with a Parameter

The first solution, used in Nette, is to create a single getter method that can either return null or throw an exception if the value is not available, depending on a boolean parameter. Here is an example of what the method might look like:

public function getFoo(bool $need = true): ?Foo
    if (!$this->foo && $need) {
        throw new Exception("Foo not available");
    return $this->foo;

The main advantage of this approach is that it eliminates the need to have several versions of the getter for different use cases. A former disadvantage was the poor readability of user code using boolean parameters, but this has been resolved with the introduction of named parameters, allowing you to write getFoo(need: false).

However, this approach may cause complications in static analysis, as the signature implies that getFoo() can return null under any circumstances. Tools like PHPStan allow explicit documentation of method behavior through special annotations, improving code understanding and its correct analysis:

/** @return ($need is true ? Foo : ?Foo) */
public function getFoo(bool $need = true): ?Foo

This annotation clearly defines what return types the method getFoo() can generate depending on the value of the parameter $need. However, for instance, PhpStorm does not understand it.

Pair of Methods: hasFoo() and getFoo()

Another option is to divide the responsibility into two methods: hasFoo() to verify the existence of the value and getFoo() to retrieve it. This approach enhances code clarity and is intuitively understandable.

public function hasFoo(): bool
    return (bool) $this->foo;

public function getFoo(): Foo
    return $this->foo ?? throw new Exception("Foo not available");

The main problem is redundancy, especially in cases where the availability check itself is a complex process. If hasFoo() performs complex operations to verify if the value is available, and then this value is retrieved again using getFoo(), these operations are repeated. Hypothetically, the state of the object or data might change between the calls to hasFoo() and getFoo(), leading to inconsistencies. From a user's perspective, this approach may be less convenient as it forces calling a pair of methods with repeating parameters. It also prevents the use of the null-coalescing operator.

The advantage is that some static analysis tools allow defining a rule that after a successful call to hasFoo(), no exception will be thrown in getFoo().

Methods getFoo() and getFooOrNull()

The third strategy is to split the functionality into two methods: getFoo() to throw an exception if the value does not exist, and getFooOrNull() to return null. This approach minimizes redundancy and simplifies logic.

public function getFoo(): Foo
    return $this->getFooOrNull() ?? throw new Exception("Foo not available");

public function getFooOrNull(): ?Foo
    return $this->foo;

An alternative could be a pair getFoo() and getFooIfExists(), but in this case, it might not be entirely intuitive to understand which method throws an exception and which returns null. A slightly more concise pair would be getFooOrThrow() and getFoo(). Another possibility is getFoo() and tryGetFoo().

Each of these approaches to implementing getters in PHP has its place depending on the specific needs of the project and the preferences of the development team. When choosing a suitable strategy, it's important to consider the impact on readability, maintenance, and performance of the application. The choice should reflect an effort to make the code as understandable and efficient as possible.

Can Regular Expressions Be Used to Parse HTML?

Let's once and for all crack this eternal question that divides the programming community. I decided to dive into the dark waters of regular expressions to bring an answer (spoiler: yes, it's possible).

So, what exactly does an HTML document contain? It's a mix of text, entities, tags, comments, and the special doctype tag. Let's first explore each ingredient separately.


The foundation of an HTML page is text, which consists of ordinary characters and special sequences called HTML entities. These can be either named, like &nbsp; for a non-breaking space, or numerical, either in decimal &#160; or hexadecimal &#xA0; format. A regular expression capturing an HTML entity would look like this:

		[a-z][a-z0-9]+     # named entity
		\#\d+              # decimal number
		\#x[0-9a-f]+       # hexadecimal number

All regular expressions are written in extended mode, ignore case, and a dot represents any character. That is, the modifier six.


These iconic elements make HTML what it is. A tag starts with <, followed by the tag name, possibly a set of attributes, and closes with > or />. Attributes can optionally have a value, which can be enclosed in double, single, or no quotes. A regular expression capturing an attribute would look like this:

	\s+                         # at least one white space before the attribute
	<a href="#fns" class="footnote">[\s&quot;&#039;&lt;&gt;=`/]</a>+               # attribute name
		\s* = \s*               # equals sign before the value
			"                   # value enclosed in double quotes
					<a href="#fn" class="footnote">[&quot;]</a>        # any character except double quote
					(?&entity)  # or HTML entity
			'                   # value enclosed in single quotes
					<a href="#fn" class="footnote">[&#039;]</a>        # any character except single quote
					(?&entity)  # or HTML entity
			<a href="#fns" class="footnote">[\s&quot;&#039;&lt;&gt;=`]</a>+         # value without quotes
	)?                           # value is optional

Notice that I am referring to the previously defined entity group.


An element can represent either a standalone tag (so-called void element) or paired tags. There is a fixed list of void element names by which they are recognized. A regular expression for capturing them would look like this:

	<                  # start of the tag
	(                  # element name
	(?&attribute)*     # optional attributes
	/?                 # optional /
	>                  # end of the tag

Other tags are thus paired and captured by this regular expression (I use a reference to the content group, which we will define later):

	<                  # starting tag
		[a-z]<a href="#fns" class="footnote">[\s/&gt;]</a>*  # element name
	(?&attribute)*     # optional attributes
	>                  # end of the starting tag
	</                 # ending tag
	(?P=element_name)  # repeat element name
	>                  # end of the ending tag

A special case is elements like <script>, whose content must be processed differently from other elements:

	<                  # starting tag
		script|style|textarea|title  # element name
	(?&attribute)*     # optional attributes
	>                  # end of the starting tag
	(?>                # atomic group
		.*?            # smallest possible number of any characters
		</             # ending tag
	>                  # end of the ending tag

The lazy quantifier .*? ensures that the expression stops at the first ending sequence, and the atomic group ensures that this stop is definitive.


A typical HTML comment starts with the sequence <!-- and ends with -->. A regular expression for HTML comments might look like this:

	(?>           # atomic group
		.*?       # smallest possible number of any characters

The lazy quantifier .*? again ensures that the expression stops at the first ending sequence, and the atomic group ensures that this stop is definitive.


This is a historical relic that exists today only to switch the browser to so-called standard mode. It usually looks like <!doctype html>, but can contain other characters as well. Here is the regular expression that captures it:

	<a href="#fn" class="footnote">[&gt;]</a>*         # any character except '>'

Putting It All Together

With the regular expressions ready for each part of HTML, it's time to create an expression for the entire HTML 5 document:

(?&doctype)?              # optional doctype
	(?&void_element)      # void element
	(?&special_element)   # special element
	(?&element)           # paired element
	(?&comment)           # comment
	(?&entity)            # entity
	<a href="#fn" class="footnote">[&lt;]</a>                  # character

We can combine all the parts into one complex regular expression. This is it, a superhero among regular expressions with the ability to parse HTML 5.

Final Notes

Even though we have shown that HTML 5 can be parsed using regular expressions, the provided example is not useful for processing an HTML document. It will fail on invalid documents. It will be slow. And so on. In practice, regular expressions like the following are more commonly used (for finding URLs of images):


But this is a very unreliable solution that can lead to errors. This regexp incorrectly matches custom tags such as <imgs-tag src="image.jpg">, custom attributes like <img data-src="custom info">, or fails when the attribute contains a quote <img src="mcdonald's.jpg">. Therefore, it is recommended to use specialized libraries. In the world of PHP, we're unlucky because the DOM extension supports only the ancient, decaying HTML 4. Fortunately, PHP 8.4 promises an HTML 5 parser.

When Copilot Loses Direction: A Celebration of Shoddy Workmanship

A video from Microsoft, intended to be a dazzling demonstration of Copilot's capabilities, is instead a tragically comedic presentation of the decline in programming craftsmanship.

I'm referring to this video. It's supposed to showcase the abilities of GitHub Copilot, including how to use it to write a regular expression for searching <img> tags with the hero-image class. However, the original code being modified is as holey as Swiss cheese, something I would be embarrassed to use. Copilot gets carried away and instead of correcting, continues in the same vein.

The result is a regular expression that unintentionally matches other classes, tags, attributes, and so on. Worse still, it fails if the src attribute is listed before class.

I write about this because this demonstration of shoddy work, especially considering the official nature of the video, is startling. How is it possible that none of the presenters or their colleagues noticed this? Or did they notice and decide it didn't matter? That would be even more disheartening. Teaching programming requires precision and thoroughness, without which incorrect practices can easily be propagated. The video was meant to celebrate the art of programming, but I see in it a bleak example of how the level of programming craftsmanship is falling into the abyss of carelessness.

Just to give a bit of a positive spin: the video does a good job of showing how Copilot and GPT work, so you should definitely give it a look 🙂

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