As of version 3.1.6, the Texy library adds support for Latte
3 in the form of the {texy} tag. What can it do and how do you
deploy it?
The {texy} tag represents an easy way to write directly in Texy
syntax in Latte templates:
You Already Know the Syntax
No kidding, you know Latte syntax already. **It is the same as PHP syntax.**
Simply install the extension in Latte and pass it a Texy object configured as
$texy = new Texy\Texy;
$latte = new Latte\Engine;
$latte->addExtension(new Texy\Bridges\Latte\TexyExtension($texy));
If there is static text between the {texy}...{/texy} tags, it is
translated using Texy during the template compilation and the result is stored
in it. If the content is dynamic (i.e., there are Latte tags inside), the
processing using Texy is performed each time the template is rendered.
If it is desirable to disable Latte tags inside, it can be done
like this:
{texy syntax: off} ... {/texy}
In addition to the Texy object, a custom function can also be passed to the
extension, thus allowing parameters to be passed from the template. For
instance, we might want to pass the parameters locale and
$processor = function (string $text, int $heading = 1, string $locale = 'cs'): string {
$texy = new Texy\Texy;
$texy->headingModule->top = $heading;
$texy->typographyModule->locale = $locale;
return $texy->process($text);
$latte = new Latte\Engine;
$latte->addExtension(new Texy\Bridges\Latte\TexyExtension($processor));
Parameters in the template are passed like this:
{texy locale: en, heading: 3}
If you want to format text stored in a variable using Texy, you can use a
It's a bit like when you spot a poster for a concert by a band you remember
from your youth. Are they still playing? Or did they get back together after
years because they need the money? Perhaps to cash in on the strings of
nostalgia? [perex]
Texy is my first open-source project. I started writing it fifteen years ago. Texy has survived several
version control systems. Numerous web services hosting repositories. Several
string encodings. Various markup languages for creating websites. Several of my
life relationships. A number of cities I've lived in.
So, I have kept it up-to-date for fifteen years. We started in PHP 4, which
was the worst programming language in the world and thus a challenge, then moved
on to PHP 5 with relief, a few years later we transitioned to namespaces
(Texy::Parser instead of TexyParser, wow), watched PHP
stop being the worst language in the world, which frustrated many programmers
who then turned to JavaScript, then God created PHP 7 and with it type hints
(Texy::process(string $text): string megawow), and strictness came
into fashion with declare(strict_types=1) and we honor that.
And so here is Texy 3.0.. It's the
same as the previous versions, but with all the bells and whistles of PHP
7.1. It's the same because you don't mess with perfection.
Texy was here when you were born, in programming terms. Someday, Texy might
even format your epitaph. And it will insert a non-breaking space between
a and room.
Texy2 is a huge leap forward. More perfect, cleverer, highly
customizable. And above all – even more sexy! Web application developers can
chuckle in contentment.
Initially, Texy2 wasn’t even supposed to be released. But let's not get
ahead of ourselves…
How Software Is Designed
The best analysis of a program is done by programming it. Only then do you
realize what you really need from it. And only then can you write it
I was aware of this while writing Texy 1. I didn’t want to write API
documentation, I didn’t translate the website into other languages. I knew
that was just a rehearsal for the real Texy.
The first version was a labor because I had to crack a ton of nuts. Figure
out how to even do it. It’s not a joke. For instance, you might say:
“Texy will insert non-breaking spaces between a preposition and a word.” And
one might think a regular expression that finds v lese and replaces
it with v lese would suffice.
But, can it handle this too:
v <strong>lese</strong>? Yes, a non-breaking space
belongs there too. Why wouldn’t it? Should we filter strings in angle
brackets? Okay, but what about this input:
v <span title="3 > 2">lese</span>
You'd suggest more cunning HTML tag filtering? Wait, but if there’s a
<br> tag, then the non-breaking space shouldn’t be there.
So no filtering, but analysis instead.
However, the precision of conversion is not the main attraction of Texy2.
Nope, that’s just a manifestation of maturing older ideas. The real bombshell
is the maximum customizability.
Texy is Flexible and Billable
Now you can easily change the behavior of any document element. Need to build
a wiki over Texy2? I.e., control all the links on the page? It took me just a
few lines of code.
Need to generate content based on headings? Want to insert flash animations
using [* movie.swf *]? Want to automatically add a CSS class to all
phrases "hello .(description)"? You can! And extremely easily.
Some solutions are found directly in the distribution, but mostly in the
documentation, which is not yet available 🙂 At least there’s a brief changelog. I’m sorry, I have such
important tasks now that there’s no time to write the manual. However, the
Texy website is now designed so that creating documentation does not have to
depend only on me.
Texy2 is Here
Texy2 wasn’t meant to be released. I realized that I had no motivation to
release my software as open source. It comes with many limitations, in the comfort zone you won’t find
(i.e., in the Czech Republic), everyone bothers with support, you encounter idiots. If it weren’t
for the Giraffe & co. at the last HBWBH, I would’ve
probably kept it to myself.
The revision released today with the beautiful number 111 is the
first official beta version of Texy2. Download it, play around, test it.
As I was reading your emails and feedback about Texy!, I realized that an
interesting phenomenon has been born. Texy! has become a symbol, a
Godot that many people have been waiting for, often impatiently. Some websites are counting on
Texy! as the path of future development, others have
even already deployed it. I read an opinion that Texy! will start a revolution
in the CMS field and replace WYSIWYG editors. Conversely, another guy is asking
whether Texy! will also have WYSIWYG? “I'm waiting for it like death!” was
mentioned in the comments.
Given that until recently only one single article about Texy! was published and no one had
seen it, this is an excellent score 🙂
Texy! is now sexy
So, from today, Texy! is officially out. Still in beta version, we need to
iron out some bugs and fine-tune the syntax. Therefore, I will appreciate it if
you put it through rigorous tests. The website itself is
also in beta. I want to improve the texts, divide the Syntax page into several
smaller ones, and maybe even add a forum.
I previously informed about choosing a license and eventually
chose a dual model – GPL + commercial license. So
you can use it for free for your needs (I would appreciate a link) and you can include it in your
GPL applications. And if you want to implement it in your commercial CMS,
contact me and we will arrange the conditions for a special license.
And not to forget: is there anyone with excellent knowledge of English
(or another language) who would help me with translation for the
price of publishing their name with a link and the ensuing eternal glory?
Thanks 🙂
And a few more links:
deToxy! unofficial: reverse
converter (from HTML to Texy!)
Texy! is a text converter and
formatter outputting in XHTML. It uses a set of fairly simple, yet very
effective rules that guide the conversion. I finally made a plugin for BLOG:CMS
and now I can write all articles in Texy! It saves me a lot of time and you,
dear readers, will see a typographically cleaner result.
You can try Texy! at the mentioned address or even here in the comments.
These also run on a new engine.
Maybe I'm too big of a fan 🙂 but I would say that Texy! is the most
complex formatter. It can process images, links, nested lists, tables, and
also CSS (Cascading Styles). It doesn't get fooled and generates valid,
high-quality code. Additionally, it adjusts the format to national
inserts non-breaking spaces after single-letter consonantal prepositions and
conjunctions (the most uncrystallizable ones)
breaks overly long words according to syllables
uses “double” and ‘single’ typographic quotes
converts a hyphen to an en dash: 10–15 vs. Czech-Slovak
Unfortunately, I developed the system at a time when I was not aware of any
alternatives, making it completely incompatible with anything else. However,
thoughts of slightly adapting it, perhaps to Textile, were ultimately dismissed.
Simply put, Texy! just makes more sense to me. Texy! is sexy!